
(416) 431-9791

Opening Hours

8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday,   9am - 5pm, Saturday and Sunday

Candice Verpaelst
Candice Verpaelst

Candice graduated from the Centennial College Massage Therapy program in 2005. After being a client of Bellesmere Massage Therapy for many years, she joined the team in 2018.

After nearly 20 years of practice as a massage therapist, Candice has taken a particular interest in Manual Lymph Drainage. Over the last 5 years, she has been training in MLD. She is now a certified Vodder trained MLD therapist and has made this her area of focus in her practice.

Candice had a family member who suffered from lymphedema, due to cancer treatment. Watching them struggle with this condition, Candice wished she knew more how to help at the time, and was thus inspired to expand her studies.  She was fascinated to learn about the specialized technique Manual Lymph Drainage and Combined Decongestive Therapy which is treatment of the body’s lymphatic system and the application of compression bandaging to manage this chronic condition.  She has also recently become an ADP authorizer for the Ontario Assistive Devices Program. She has since taken extensive courses in MLD and is passionate about helping those in need.

Candice also enjoys teaching and inspiring others to learn. She has been teaching massage therapy for over 10 years, and currently teaches at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy.

Areas of Specialty include:

  • Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD)
  • Combined Decongestive Therapy
  • Lymph Taping
  • Lymphedema, including post cancer lymphedema
  • Post Surgical
  • Inflammation
  • Sedentary Congestion and Detox
  • Sinus Congestion
  • ADP Authorizer

Certifications, Studies and Workshops:

  • Certified Manual Lymph Drainage & Combined Decongestive Therapist, (Vodder Trained)
  • Lymph Taping, (Vodder Trained)
  • Advanced Joint Mobilizations