David completed his education in Massage Therapy from Centennial College in 2016 and joined the Bellesmere Massage Therapy Clinic team in 2017. Since then, David has expended his area of expertise through continuing education with specialization in fascial work. Through continuous exposure and personal experience, David has learned the importance of maintenance and rehabilitation in sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
Over the years, David has developed a particular interest in providing support for clients experiencing acute or chronic pain, TMJ dysfunction, nerve pain referrals, postural alignment issues, headaches, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Scoliosis, and Sciatica to name a few.
David works collaboratively with his clients to conduct a proper assessment and create a specialized treatment plan that is unique to the clients presenting concerns. David’s treatment will utilize a combination of Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation), Passive Stretching with Joint Play, Basic NISA (Neuromuscular Integration and Structural Alignment), and Graston Therapy to decrease muscle tension and fascial restrictions, thereby increasing mobility and circulation.
David believes that no treatment is complete without proper self-care including remedial exercises and stretches. Therefore, he ends his sessions with a list of suggested self-care to encourage continued wellness.
Areas of Specialty:
- Acute / Chronic pain
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Restricted Mobility
- Scoliosis
- Sciatica
Certifications, Studies and Workshops:
- Hot stone massage
- Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT) attendance of Level 1
- Verna’s chest thorax breathing seminar
- Adaptive Bodywork level 1
- Dynamic Taping
- Neuromuscular Integration Structural Alignment (NISA)
- Basic sports massage (pre and post event)
- Graston Therapy level 1
- Neuromeningeal Manipulation: An integrative approach to trauma level 1